Person Place Thing with Randy Cohen

“The self-described Trash Walker prowls corporate dumpsters, seeking egregious waste, and yet she says, “I love stuff, and I want to make that clear. I love things. I think that’s one of the reasons I’m so attracted to the trash.” A paradox resolved at Materials for the Arts.”

WCBS 880 In Depth: Digging through NYC's trash to uncover food waste

“New York City has a trash problem. But a lot of that garbage on the sidewalk is food waste. Experts say a lot of it is good to eat. Zero waste advocates are trying to lessen New York City’s waste footprint. Anna Sacks, known online as "Trash Walker" on social media, is showing her fellow residents exactly what’s being tossed everyday.”

Clothes Horse: Smashed Candles, Slashed Wrapping Paper, and Huge Bags of Doughnuts: Corporate Waste with Anna

“Today's special guest is Anna Sacks, who you might know as @thetrashwalker on Instagram and TikTok. Anna shares videos exposing waste by large corporations...especially companies that direct employees to destroy and throw out otherwise perfectly fine products just because they didn’t sell. This can include food, hygiene products, paper goods, furniture, name it. And to be clear, this is a very common practice...but it’s kept hush hush. So you might not know about it! And we are talking some really egregious waste….Anna will give a few alarming examples in this episode.”